Monday, February 15, 2021

Battle of Saint Valentines: Battle Report



  For my partner and I's Valentine's day we decided to play a table top war game, or should I say begin one. As the plan is to make it an ongoing campaign with the only being the first day of battle with casualties remaining dead or going to "hospital" while they recover from their injuries, as well as reinforcements being arriving as the battle progresses. The name for this battle stems from, of course the fact it is Valentines Day, but also that I have decided to name the (unfinished) church after the Saint Valentine. Now with that said, we can commence with the battle report. 

Union Lines

Confederate Lines (commanded by my lovely partner)

Battle Report

    The battle opens on Confederate initiative, with a bold cavalry charge into the Union center which immediately fells the Union colourbearers, but still taking a toll causing two rebel riders to fall. The remainder of the Confed. turn was spent shifting troops in the back lines. 

    The Union opens with an artillery barrage on the Confederate center causing only minor casualties, but still the undisciplined men fail their moral check and turn tail in retreat, the Union center opens fire, first on the remaining cavalryman, then on the fleeing Confederates, dwindling their numbers even more

      Union artillery firing on the exposed Rebel center

                                                             The undisciplined rebels flee under steady musket fire
    The Iron Brigade on the Union right flank advances in pursuit of the fleeing rebels, but is met by close range artillery fire and the rebels in retreat use the cover to rejoin rear lines after passing a morale save 

Iron Brigade takes point blank artillery fire into their front ranks 

The Iron Brigade storms into Confederate musket fire attempting to take 
the church as Union cavalry swoops down on the rebel artillery crew 

     The Union continues their advance firing on the exposed artillery crew, with the cavalry arriving to mop up the survivors, leaving the gun unmanned and the Iron Brigade attempts to storm the church the combat is hand to hand as the Confederates attempt to hold the church and Union soldiers fall one after the other as they attempt to pass the doorway, the rebels, smelling blood in the water as the Iron Brigade retreat and the Union center falls back, moves into the woods and firing pot shots at the limping Union forces, bringing the days battle to a close. 

Confederate right flank takes position in the forest, firing on the now 
unsupported Union cavalry 
   The Butcher's Bill
    The days ends with fourteen casualties on the Confederate side, with five dead and nine wounded. The Union ends the day with one more casualty at fifteen but with four dead and eleven wounded men. We should also not forget the equine cost of battle, with two horses losing their life on the battlefield  

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