Saturday, June 6, 2020

Current Project: Spotting Balloon

My project at the moment is a spotting balloon for use in wargames. Now when I first had the idea of making this, the thing keeping my from starting was, how am I going to make that actual balloon? A rather important part, so I thought about it. Ideas of using paper mache or maybe even using one of the models available at the wonderful but they just weren't going to give me the "toy look" that I wanted to go for. Then lo and behold, I laid my eyes upon the styrofoam ball I had lying around from some long forgotten project, so I got to work.

I began by painting on a few layers of white glue to the ball to give it just a little more strength, then began to paint the whole thing white before I realised that was a little ridiculous as I was just going to go over half with black anyway. So I taped off the stripes and got to painting 

Here we see the basket (and the mess created during its creation), constructed out of foamcore, and two of its future inhabitants. I would have liked something more wicker like, but couldn't think of a way to go about it, so I settled on a wood plank look. 

And here is the current state of things, the basket needs an interior paint job and the balloon could use some touching up in a few places. Overall looking good. Making the net that holds down the balloon and the tethers that attach the basket, a rather important step, and it should be ready for the table top!

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